Wednesday 29 December 2021

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The Kenya's August House turns to House of Chaos during the National Assembly Proceedings on the Political Parties (Amendments) Bill.

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The Parliament Buildings, Nairobi, Kenya.

A Member of Parliament for Sigowet-Soin constituency, Bernard Koros sustained a serious injury on the right eye on Wednesday during chaos inside the National Assembly.

Sigowet\Soin MP Bernard Koros displays an eye injury sustained in the National Assembly during a chaotic session on voting for the Political Parties Amendment Bill on December 29, 2021.

The parliamentarian was injured when the House degenerated into chaos pitting legislators allied to Deputy President William Ruto and those supporting Azimio la Umoja, which has been branded as Azimio la mawe.

Acting Speaker, Chris Omulele had a hard time ordering the Members of Parliament in the standoff, which lasted for several minutes before he suspended the session. He later kicked out the leader of minority John Mbadi who was seen engaging in an altercation with Bernard Koros.

Following the chaos witnessed in the House, the acting Speaker Omulele ordered the house to suspend its business for fifteen minutes.

Parliamentarians were voting to either reject or support amendments by Kandara Member of Parliament, Alice Wahome that called for the removal of a procedure for the formation of a coalition political party.

In indicting John Mbadi following an altercation with Sigowet MP, the acting speaker directed that he goes to hospital and direction will be given once he is out. The speaker ascertained that Hon Koros was injured in the eye and advised him to seek medical assistance in the nearby hospital.

Heated exchanges characterized the afternoon sitting as Parliamentarians shot up to support or oppose the amendments.

The leader of the Majority, Amos Kimunya who stood to oppose the bill was on the receiving end as a section of Parliamentarians shouted him down, ‘Kimunya must go’.

Chaos erupted inside Kenya's National Assembly on Wednesday afternoon, as Parliamentarians engaged in a fistfight during debate on the controversial Political Parties (Amendment) Bill, 2021.

The National Assembly Minority Leader, John Mbadi was ordered out of House for five days following the chaos that left Sigowet-Soin Member of Parliament, Kipsengeret Bernard Koros with a cut in the face.

John Mbadi was guilty of misconduct after punching Koros in the face. Speaking to the press, Mbadi faulted the ruling saying the speaker unilaterally arrived at the decision without following the standing orders.

At the time of the incident, the lawmakers were voting on an amendment to clause Six by Kandara Member of Parliament, Alice Wahome.  

The National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi called the special sitting. The National Assembly Proceedings on the Political Parties (Amendments) Bill continued into the late night. 

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