Saturday 15 December 2018

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How to survive Campus Life

Everyone dreams of being in campus,yes,from the tales of those already in campus,no one actually won't be curious to 'taste' that life.

Campus life on one hand can be sweet and enjoyable but on the hand too it may be an hell of a life depending on how one takes it and the strategies one adopts.
For real campus life has freedom. By freedom I mean,one is away from the strict parent supervision and one can actually do all the things he wants,freely. The biggest challenge for a university student is finance,especially if you come from a family that is not so financially stable and you want to live a flashy life. First I will highlight here some of the campus lifestyles which need a stable income source for one to be able to survive in campus setting;

1. Gigs and parties
Campus guys have an addiction of going partying and clubbing during weekends in clubs and bars or even holding house parties in their rentals. This comes with a big demand for cash to be able to finance these gigs.

2. Drugs and alcohol
Drugs and alcohol are not new in our universities. Being away from parental supervision makes one feel independent enough to be able to engage in such habits as drinking alcohol. Peer pressure and influence also contributes to students being alcoholics and drug abusers. In order to be able to buy these drugs and alcohol one needs a good source of money.

3. School related costs
In school students require money for their day to day activities such as printing assignments, typing and producing scripts and projects among other things like purchasing airtime for their phones and thus a good source of income is required.

4. Rental and upkeep costs
Students especially non residents (those residing outside the school hostels) require money for paying their rents and purchasing foodstuffs in their houses. In most cases these rental houses are way far costly compared to the cost of residing inside the school hostels. Thus a lot of funding is needed for ones upkeep in campus.

Generally you may be depending on your parents or sponsor,and in this case I mean the higher education loans board sponsorships, for paying all your bills but you really need some side hustle to supplement your source in order to have some extra coin to save or spend at the end of all your billings.
Here, and as is my main reason for this article I will give some ways on how you can make an extra coin as a university student and be able to pay your bills without any struggles;

1. Hotel jobs
Many universities are located in big towns where there are big hotels and restaurants. Basically there are hotel jobs that do not require any training,high education qualifications or working experience. These hotel jobs are some of the best side hustles for students in universities. So if you don't mind,why not try working as a waitress or waiter in an hotel and earn that extra coin,its for your benefits.

2. Online jobs
Which university student claims that they have not heard of public likes and upwork or freelancer, I bet nobody. These online sites do not require much and and pay well,provided you got access to internet. I guess each university has a WiFi network and thus its a greater opportunity for students to invest in these online sites. And by the way,talking of public likes, I think its worth investing. Let's say you upgrade to that 4500 plan,then in am month you will have earned 7500. This means in the first month you get back your capital and a profit of 3000,then in the next month you get a profit of 7500 before you subscribe again. Nobody can prove whether its not a scam,but I advise that you invest and will have made profits even if it disappears later on.
Freelancer and upwork are other legit sites where one can earn money doing online projects. So guys, warm up to that WiFi around your campus and use it to make money.

3. Investing in shops and wines and spirits joints
One of the marketable stuff in universities are wines and spirits and foodstuffs. So, one can actually get some loan from a bank,invest in a wines and spirits,or a shop or even an hotel or a fast foods joint and be assured of cashing in profits.


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