Tuesday 23 April 2019

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Many personalities in one person

Alcohol has a sneaky way of bringing out personalities...you probably know yourself or someone who fits the following traits:
Immobile, Santa, gibberish, everyone is my friend, stripper, fighter, dreamer, philosopher,hybrid, ghost etc.

Their locomotion fails, they will stumble, bump into people, fall down, get up and hold onto the bar while trying to convince the bar attendant to pour another drink. The way home can be a very long one bcos they are always stubborn in their drunk state.

This bloke becomes extremely generous after a few drinks. No one is immune to their rounds of generosity from the group to complete strangers and even the entire bar if Santa feels jolly enough.

Whenever drunk this person gets emotional and bursts into tears. No matter if it's love sickness or a  troubled childhood, they's always something to cry about.

Hungry for love:
Some people just get very affectionate when they drink. This person is constantly hugging and kissing everyone in the joint, telling them how great it is they are there too. Nothing wrong with sharing a little love.

Everyone is my friend:
Bloke takes on a mission to talk to everyone in the place when the drink kicks in, complete strangers or casual acquaintances are considered the best friends.

The person who always goes missing at some point in the night. They silently exit the  scene every time they are properly drunk.

You know the friend who is laughing one minute and crying the next. So you spend the 20minutes convincing her no one is lying to her about how her hair looks.

Clothes can feel very smothering to some when intoxicated. There are always some people who feel the need to take some of them off after a few glasses. It can be as innocent as dancing without a shirt to running around completly naked.

This is the aggressive drunk. No matter what happens, there will be some fighting involved. Could be for somebody looking at them the wrong way or spilling their drink, a simple apology just won't do it. They usually leave the fight worsted.

When intoxicated, this person gets very philosophic. They try to get into deep and meaningful conversations with everyone. However it is not always easy to find a solution for wars and world hunger when your company finds discussing body parts of opposite sex more interesting. When frustrated, they metamorphose into the Arguer taking the opposite stand of whatever the argument and stubbornly sticking to it.

This makes all the great future plans when drunk. "After this study, travel the world for a year, do a master abroad and then start my own company." In the end nothing changes, but am not saying it's a bad thing to dream!

This drunk loses ability to speak properly. The words flow in HD in their head but what comes out of their mouth is a tongue twister of gibberish mumbles no one can understand. They get easily frustrated.

Which trait(s) do you have?
Thanks for reading!


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