Friday 24 April 2020

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Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories will always circle the major disasters and events in the world. Since China first alerted the world to the spreading disease late last year (2019), the coronavirus has inspired countless wild stories about its origins, transmission, effects, vaccine and the cure. This is just natural, as people always seek explanations for events too frightening to accept as random. So, as anxious snippets of misinformation warped and refracted through social media, COVID-19 became amongst other dangerous nonsense i.e. a by-product of bat soup, an escaped bioweapon, and a disease treatable by Lysol, oregano oil, hydroxyl chloroquine or worse yet, gargling with bleach.
The worst and most dangerous things about COVID-19 are misinformation and panic. This has stoked xenophobia, created relentless demand and even profit for products that are unlikely to help anyone, added considerable confusion to an already uncertain situation, and has only continued to multiply. At best, the latest crop of COVID-19 conspiracy theories are wacky bits of hogwash: Did The Simpsons predict coronavirus, or was it a thriller novel by Dean Koontz, or was it Disney’s Tangled? At worst, the misinformation has cast doubt on measures meant to protect people and has encouraged reckless, destructive behaviour all over the world.
Perhaps the strangest of all these misinformation is the one that suggests certain groups of people need not worry about the virus at all. For weeks, a bizarre idea has been circulating on Twitter and other social media platforms: black people were immune to COVID-19, or would recover quickly and easily if they did contract it. To be clear, this theory is false as of April 24, 2020, more than 35,000 confirmed cases and 2,000 deaths were from the black community in Africa and elsewhere in the world. In addition, the black community is not the only group wrongly told not to worry about the virus. People have also claimed that Yemenite Jews in Israel and Yemen are naturally immune (only one case has been confirmed in Yemen since the outbreak). Twitter has since taken action against accounts spreading this racial theory (with zero scientific backings). 
Then there are the virus’s disputed origins. You have likely heard some people speculate that COVID-19 was somehow conjured in a Wuhan lab. That theory has been popular for a long time, especially since some US pundits let by President Trump has continued to call the disease the “Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan virus.” Months have gone but still, this accusation of Wuhan laboratory leak being the supposed origin of the novel coronavirus has become a well-used political smear. 
Another serious theory is where China is accused of releasing the Coronavirus to destabilize the economies of the G7 members (the US, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, the UK and Italy) and their respective allies. As of April 24 2020, most of the G7 member states were leading with about 65% of all the confirmed cases and about 83% deaths. Many analysts have a reason to believe China’s game plan is working; this was also captured when the world stock market crushed. The Chinese government wants to take control of the world as the superpower.
China has offered medical aids and other donations worth billions of dollars to developing countries. Most of these donations have gone to African countries. It is clear that China has invested in Africa more than any other country even more than what the Americans did in the last 50 years; it has invested more than the US $200 billion for the last 15 years. Many have seen this as only a manipulation, most countries might not be able to pay back the huge loans; leave alone the issue of collaterals. The point behind this theory is that China wants space for its population, which is expected to explode in the next 20-30 years.
Despite epidemiologists saying otherwise, Chinese officials are now claiming the virus originated in Italy or from a military laboratory in the United States. The latter had been espoused by Iran’s Ayatollah A. Khamenei, who cited the theory as a reason to turn down US medical aid, and by Philippines Senate president Vincente Sotto. Some accuse Russia of spreading this conspiracy theory, though the Kremlin strenuously denied it. Proponents of the theory see China as having something to gain, usually economically from impacted nations, but the real impact is that aid and medical knowledge are flowing less freely at a time when unity and transparency would be far more beneficial.
Plenty of US citizens think the virus is a hoax or a cover for some shadowy power grab, too. FEMA has created a Coronavirus Rumour Control website, in part to quell conspiracy theories about the US heading for martial law. Others claim that the virus is a hoax, no more deadly than the common cold, but that officials are stoking panic to undermine President Trump. Not everyone names a specific boogeyman—rapper Cardi B had claimed that celebrities who have tested positive for coronavirus, like Idris Elba, are being paid to say that they have the disease by somebody for reasons—but if you have a go-to scapegoat, it’s open season.
Anti-vaxxers think the virus is an effort to force vaccines on them, possibly orchestrated by Bill Gates. Others blame 5G Network. Then there is the one everyone should always be expecting. “One of the oldest stereotypes about the Jewish people is that they have the power to manipulate these global events to their benefit,” says Oren Segel, vice president of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. “The theory is; that the Jews have created the coronavirus in order to try to gain power at the expense of others.” All over the world, from Iraq to the United States, people have been spreading anti-Semitic memes and messages suggesting that Jews, or Jewish stand-ins like George Soros, the Rothschilds, and Israel, are to blame for the outbreak. All of this doubt contributes to behaviours that undermine efforts to control the virus’s spread. And again, none of these things is true. 
In the internet’s darkest corners, the scapegoating is used to stir a movement that is less conspiracy theory than actual conspiracy. According to Segel, white supremacists and other extremists have encouraged their followers to “cough on their local minorities,” to lick items in the Kosher section of grocery stores and to use the growing tensions between nations and races as the impetus for “the boogaloo,” which is what they’re calling the race war. Deliberately coughing at people while having or claiming to have COVID-19 is considered a terroristic threat, which is a felony.
Simply put; Minority communities do not need this right now. Violence against Asian Americans are already rising, and, as Collins-Dexter points out, people of colour are likely to be disproportionately impacted by both the health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak. “When America gets cold, black folks get the flu,” she says. Segel cautions that while the number of people participating in the most hateful of these discussions is currently low, they are also happening at a time when the people they target are most vulnerable. Conspiracy theories spread most easily when they stem from fear—and so does hate.

Ruzeki is a blogger at SHADOW NEWS, specializing in politics, internet culture and propaganda, as well as writing about climate change and other things science-related
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