Thursday 1 October 2020

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Fact Checking of the First US Presidential Debate

Opinion polls suggest Joe Biden has a steady single-digit lead over Donald Trump. However, with 34 days until Election Day, surveys from several important states show a closer contest. Polls also suggest one in 10 Americans have yet to make up their mind how to vote. Nevertheless, analysts said Tuesday night's debate (the first of three) probably makes a small difference. Overall, the key 90-minute debate in Cleveland, Ohio, was light on serious policy discussion. Both candidates talked over each other but Mr Trump cut in some 73 times, according to a count by Shadow Woka News. During the US presidential debate, Republican candidate Trump and Democratic candidate Biden made a number of claims that raised questions. Here is our fact checking:

1.                  TRUMP STATEMENT: Look at West Virginia — mailmen selling the ballots. They are being sold. They are being dumped in rivers. This is a horrible thing for our country.
ü  CLAIM: Mailmen in West Virginia are selling the ballots.
ü  FACT CHECK: False.
ü  DETAILS: A West Virginia mail carrier pleaded guilty to attempted election fraud and "injury to the mail" after admitting he had altered the mail-in request forms for absentee ballots from eight voters in April 2020, according to a statement by the Department of Justice. The West Virginia secretary of state's office investigated and found that party affiliations on five ballot request forms had been altered from "Democrat" to "Republican." The three other ballot request forms had been altered, though the party affiliation had not been changed. There were no charges of selling ballots brought against the mail carrier.

2.                  TRUMP STATEMENT: “They are losing 30 and 40 per cent. It is a fraud. It is a fraud and it is a shame.”
ü  CLAIM: They’re" (an unknown entity) "losing 30 and 40 per cent" of ballots. 
ü  FACT CHECK: False.
ü  DETAILS: Trump says, "They are" — an unknown entity that is presumably the U.S. Postal Service or possibly election stations — losing "30 and 40 per cent" of mail-in ballots. There seems to be no source or basis for this claim. The president has mentioned this "30 and 40 per cent" figure in a recent interview with Fox News. However, he has previously used different percentages when talking about lost ballots. He said in August that the post office loses “20%” of ballots, and later in that same speech said, it was "20 to 30%." He may be alluding to the recent ballot problems in Paterson, New Jersey, where election officials ended up throwing out 19% of submitted ballots. However, that was the percentage of ballots that were deemed invalid, not the percentage lost in the mail. Several states have previously — even recently — reported problems with incorrect or incomplete ballots, but there seems to be no evidence of any state ever reporting that 30 to 40% of ballots being "lost."

3.                  TRUMP STATEMENT: "If you look at New York, where it's going up like nobody's ever seen anything, the numbers are going up 100, 150, and 200% of crime."
ü  CLAIM: Trump says crime has increased 100-200% in New York.
ü  FACT CHECK: Misleading.
ü  DETAILS: The New York Police Department released citywide crime statistics on September 3, 2020 for the month of August:
·         There has been a 0.7% increase in total crime (including murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, grand larceny, and grand larceny autos) between August 2019 and August 2020.
·         Shooting incidents in New York City have increased 165.9% between August 2019 and August 2020 (242 vs. 91).
·         Murders have increased by 47% compared to August 2019.
·         Year-to-date, through August 31, there has been an 87% increase in citywide shooting incidents.

4.                  TRUMP STATEMENT: "They (The Obama administration) had the slowest recovery — economic recovery — since 1929. It was the slowest recovery. Also, they took over something that was downhill."
ü  CLAIM: President Obama and Vice President Biden presided over the slowest economic recovery since 1929.
ü  FACT CHECK: False.
ü  THE DETAILS: While economists have pointed out that the economy was unusually slow to snap back after the downturn of 2008-2009, Mr Trump is wrong when he says it was the slowest recovery since the Great Depression of 1929. In fact, 2001 the recession brought on by the dotcom boom that popped around March of 2001, was slower than the 2008-2009 recovery under Mr Obama. Six years after 2001 the recession ended, the number of jobs had grown by just 6%, compared with 8% six years after the economic collapse of the Great Recession. The recovery that started during Mr Obama's presidency was also longer than the 2001 recovery as well. The U.S. economy added 2.3 million jobs in the last year of the Obama administration. Mr Trump said that the corporate tax cuts that were passed in late 2017 created a huge uptick in jobs. In fact, 2.3 million jobs were created in the year following the tax cuts, roughly the same as during the last year of Mr. Obama's presidency, and only 200,000 more than the year before the tax cuts. In the second year after the tax, cuts passed by Republicans and signed by Mr. Trump, job growth dropped by 180,000.

5.                  TRUMP STATEMENT: “A fixing of the VA —, which was a mess under [Obama] — 308,000 people died because they did not have proper health care. It was a mess. Moreover, we now got a 91% approval rating at the VA, our vets. We take care of our vets.”
ü  CLAIM: 308,000 veterans died because they "didn't have proper health care" at VA.
ü  FACT CHECK: Misleading.
ü  TRUTH: President Trump's number was off, and his details were wrong. He appears to be referencing a report issued in 2015 that found that some 307,000 records stalled in the VA healthcare system. These were for veterans who were deceased. Some framed this as evidence these veterans may have died waiting for VA health care, but the report specifically says the data was so poor that it cannot verify how many of those records were for veterans "who applied for health care benefits or when they may have applied. The report also analysed records going back many years and found that more than 250,000 of the veterans later identified as deceased had died before 2010.
ü  DETAILS: Here are the VA inspector general's report and two quotes relevant to this claim. "ES" refers to the Enrolment System of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA): As of September 2014, more than 307,000 pending ES records, or about 35 per cent of all pending records, were for individuals reported as deceased by the Social Security Administration, the report said. Adding that because of "data limitations," "we could not determine specifically how many pending ES records represent veterans who applied for health care benefits. The enrolment program "did not effectively define, collect, and manage enrolment data," and VHA "lacked adequate procedures to identify the date of death information and implement necessary updates to the individual's status. Later, the report is more specific. "[P]ending ES records included entries for individuals reported to be deceased," it said. "As of September 30, 2014, over 307,000 pending ES records were for individuals reported as deceased by the Social Security Administration (SSA). However, due to the data weaknesses identified in Allegation 1, we cannot determine specifically how many pending ES records represent veterans who applied for health care benefits or when they may have applied. Citing one record for a veteran who died in 1993, the report notes when the individuals whose records were stalled had been recorded as deceased in the Social Security Administration's database:
·         Individuals who died in the last 2 years: 30,706 (10%)
·         Individuals who died between 2 and 4 years ago: 18,100 (6%)
·         Individuals who died more than 4 years ago: 258,367 (84%)
It appears that a number of deaths did take place during the Obama administration, perhaps as many as 50,000 or more. Nevertheless, this report clearly states that the vast majority occurred before Obama took office. On President Trump's claim of a "91% approval rating at the VA," a 2019 survey released by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. found that 90% of veterans would recommend VA care to fellow veterans. Here's the relevant quote from the VA press release: "The survey, which asked Veterans about their experience with VA health care since the MISSION Act was implemented, found that more than 80% were satisfied with their VA health care. Nearly 75% of Veteran respondents reported improvements at their local VA, and more than 90% would recommend VA care to fellow Veterans." But a similar survey released under President Obama in 2013, found similarly high ratings over the previous decade: "One signature finding for 2013 is the continuing high degree of loyalty to VA among Veterans, with a score of 93 per cent favourable. This score has remained high (above 90 per cent) for the past ten years."

6.                  TRUMP STATEMENT: “You (to Biden) do not think we should have closed our country because you thought it was too-- it was terrible. You would not have closed it for another two months.”
ü  CLAIM: President Trump says that he banned travellers from China early on during the pandemic and that Biden called that ban "xenophobic" and "racist.
ü  FACT CHECK: Inconclusive: Mr Trump's decision to "close our country" was not as strict as he claims, and while Biden criticized it, he did not use the terms Trump accused him of using. 
ü  THE DETAILS: President Trump's "ban" on travellers from China was not a full ban — it allowed travel from China's Hong Kong and Macao territories. Largely in line with restrictions, other countries around the world were implementing at the time, the limitations on travel took effect February 2, after the virus was already widely prevalent in China, according to the Associated Press.  After Mr Trump's restrictions took effect, the New York Times reported that 40,000 Americans and other authorized travellers made the trip from China to the U.S. The AP reported that more than 8,000 Chinese and foreign nationals also entered the country after the restrictions were put in place. While scientists and experts have praised the travel restrictions, there is little evidence to support the claim that it saved a large number of lives Trump has repeatedly stated. As for Mr Trump's claim about Biden, during an Iowa campaign appearance on the same day the travel restrictions were announced, Biden criticized the Trump administration's handling of the pandemic. "This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science," Biden said. He did not directly tie this statement to the president's recently announced travel restrictions, and the campaign claims he was not directly referring to the China travel ban. Biden also repeatedly accused the president of xenophobia on Twitter. Eventually, in April 2020, the campaign said Biden supported the ban. "Science supported this ban, therefore he did too," said deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield.

7.                  TRUMP STATEMENT: “We did not know anything about the disease. Now, we found that elderly people with heart problems and diabetes and different problems are very, very vulnerable. We learned a lot. Young children are not — even younger people are not. We learned a lot.”
ü  CLAIM:  Young children are not "vulnerable" to COVID.
ü  FACT CHECK: Misleading.
ü  THE DETAILS: While data does show that young children are less likely to contract COVID-19 than adults are, it is not true that children have not been affected. It is also not true that children are incapable of spreading the virus. Data from the American Academy of Paediatrics reports that as of September 24, children represented only 10.5% of all cases in states reporting cases by age. The AAP also says, "Available data indicated that COVID-19-associated hospitalization and death are uncommon in children" and that "it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is rare among children." However, the AAP also reports that over 624,000 children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic. Recent Centres for Disease Control data show that children younger than 10 are capable of transmitting COVID but specifies that teenagers have been twice as likely to contract the virus as elementary school-age children have. Although Mr Trump regularly asserts that children are largely unaffected by COVID-19, he told journalist Bob Woodward in March that "plenty of young people" were affected by the pandemic. It is not clear exactly what age group Trump was referring to, however. 
ü  Bottom line: The CDC and most experts acknowledge that the effect of COVID on young children is still unclear, and that initial data shows relatively low infection rates, but to say young children "aren't" vulnerable to the disease is false.

1.                  BIDEN-TRUMP EXCHANGE: BIDEN: "You know his own former spokesperson said, you know, riots and chaos and violence help his cause. That is what this is about. TRUMP: "I don't know who said that." BIDEN: "I do." TRUMP: "Who?" BIDEN: "Kelly Anne Conway." TRUMP: "I don't think she said that."
ü  CLAIM: Trump's "own former spokesperson," said "riots and chaos and violence help his cause"
ü  FACT CHECK: True.
ü  DETAILS: In defending President Trump, Conway cited polling that suggested that people want more law enforcement in their cities, specifically African American and Hispanic citizens. She made these comments in an interview on "Fox & Friends."  She began by quoting an unnamed businessperson from Wisconsin. "I was thinking of a very specific small businesswoman," Conway said. "She got her store ready all over again for the post-COVID lockdown lifting and then had to do it all over again after she was vandalized and looted. Moreover, this just cannot stand. I also noticed there was a quote today from a restaurateur in Wisconsin saying, 'Are you protesters trying to get Donald Trump re-elected?'" "He knows, full stop, and I guess Mayor Pete knows, full stop, that the more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on whose best on public safety and law and order."
2.                  BIDEN STATEMENT: “Because of what [Trump] did — even before COVID, manufacturing went in the hole. Manufacturing went in the hole.”
ü  CLAIM: Biden says under President Trump, even before the coronavirus pandemic, manufacturing was suffering, "went into a hole.
ü  FACT CHECK: Misleading.
ü  DETAILS: From the beginning of the Trump administration in January 2017 through February 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic hit, the U.S. added about 443,000 manufacturing jobs, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics. As Politick noted in July 2020, "manufacturing employment did increase from mid-2017 to early 2019, but at roughly the same pace as it did for most of Obama's tenure." From February 2020 through August 2020, around 720,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost. Politick also noted in July 2020 that by another measure — gross manufacturing output by a quarter — there was a rise in output in the first year and a half of Mr. Trump's presidency, but this also was not much faster than under the Obama administration. In addition, hourly earnings for manufacturing workers have continued to rise under Mr Trump "much as they did under Obama."

3.                  BIDEN CLAIM: There are a hundred million people that have pre-existing conditions and they will be taken away as well, those pre-existing condition — those insurance companies are going to love this. That is not appropriate to do this before this election.
ü  FACT CHECK: Mostly true
ü  THE DETAILS: In 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services released a study, which found that 23% to 51% of non-elderly Americans (those under age 65) — or 61 million to 133 million people — have pre-existing health conditions.

BY: Ruzeki
© 2020 Shadow Woka News. All Rights Reserved.


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