Friday 13 August 2021

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Climate Change and extreme weather

Reuters reported that Hundreds of people were killed in recent flooding in Zhengzhou, China.
The link between climate change and extreme weather is so complex that there's a whole branch of scientific study dedicated to it; Attribution Science.

Scientists have found strong evidence that human-induced global warming is making events like wildfires and heatwaves more likely and more extreme, mainly because climate change increases the risk of hot, dry weather. For the same reason, droughts are becoming more severe too.

A warming atmosphere caused by climate change makes extreme rainfall more likely as well, which in turn contributes to flooding.

And while the impact of climate change on the frequency of hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons is still unclear, we know that increased sea surface temperatures warm the air above, making more energy available to drive storms, making them likely to be more intense with more extreme rainfall. 


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