Friday 13 August 2021

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Is it climate change or climate chaos?

Christiana Figueres, who ran the UN treaty that enabled the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement, has told us a bit about what's in the report that will be released in just a few minutes.

"It's telling us how the impacts of climate change are now much more widespread than we thought, and much more severe - from heatwaves to droughts to wildfires, to heavy downpours and coastal flooding.
It's telling us how the impacts of climate change are now much more widespread than we thought, and much more severe - from heatwaves to droughts to wildfires, to heavy downpours and coastal flooding."

She added that with a number of recent extreme weather events all happening within a short space of time, the situation is now at a crisis point.

"This isn't climate change anymore, this is climate chaos. And the report us the scientific understanding that underpins the climate chaos that we are observing on a daily basis."
This isn't climate change anymore, this is climate chaos. And the report us the scientific understanding that underpins the climate chaos that we are observing on a daily basis. 


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