Saturday 29 December 2018

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The complicated side of Campus Life!

It’s a Friday evening and I am on my way to my room. On my hand am carrying a kilo of maize flour andsukuma wiki, the classy ‘naked’ ladies in my class call it ‘kales’. There is nothing to smile about as my Sponsor “HELB” has not credited my account yet since I reported back to Campus. My uncle who has been sup stipend has not been receiving my calls for a while now for obvious reasons.     Life has not been easy; I’m the most disappointed guy living on planet earth if not in hell!

On my way I meet two girls in company of two energetic men holding each other's hands heading in the opposite direction, perhaps they are heading to the most celebrated place in campus, you guessed right, yes, Senate. This is the place where the “rich” boys(sponsors) take ‘desperate’ ladies.

Not desperate for love as my grand-ma would have put it, but desperate for money. To be honest I’ve no idea how Senate looks like but if my sponsor responds in time I might be heading there soon. Not to drink but to catch a glimpse of how it looks, if I make a mistake of stepping there with my current status they might mistake me for a thief. Aha! just kidding anyway cos I've never steal even in an exam! Which Campus girl will dare date a broke guy like me?            Who will dare dance with a guy wearing material trousers in a club?
All these fears limit one from going into a club.

The two ladies stared at me like a dirty rag abandoned by a street boy in the ghetto, this made me even sicker. These are the kind of sexy flamboyant ladies who leave lecturers and campus dudes salivating and fantasizing for a passionate romantic night together, the type your mother warned you never to date!                         “Do these girls really know the guy they are staring at?” Sorry I forgot to say, am pursuing a degree in Mining Engineering perhaps the most eminent course in the varsity that will make any lady abandon their rooms to come and stay with me, just to have a feeling of staying with an engineer aha...Yes  believe me you!

I decide to let them go, cursing the gods for having met such arrogant daughters and sons of men. Before going far, I decide to take a look on my phone maybe someone might have mistakenly sent me some ‘M-pesa’.
To my surprise I found a notification message from my roommate, “Hey bruh, usicome room leo, Shiko just came visiting en ofcoz it’s a sleep over, good night man” (Hey brother, Shiko has just come for a sleep over at our place, don’t come).                      His words crushed me completely, I’m left with one option, to look for a place to spend the night.                       “But why is Omolo being so selfish?” Does he knows I haven’t taken anything since morning?”
Questions crossed my mind but I have no option, after all, even if I proceed to my room, Omolo is never going to open for me.

I only have one option, to proceed to my friend Jackson who lives in the next hostel.                        On arriving he welcomed me. I’ve known him for three years now since we reported in first year. He is a man full of life, ever smiley and I know he won’t hesitate to allow me sleep at his place and allow me cook my supper. Jack has already taken his supper. I decide to connect his coil ready to prepare my meal. All of a sudden lights went off. I’ve no option other than to sleep hungry. Jack is sorry for me but can’t really help at this time of the night. It’s already 9pm and I clearly know that power won’t be back till the following day when the lazy ‘KPLC’ men will arrive and take the whole day to fix the problem. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, Jack proceeds to open. To my surprise it’s Linda, Jackson's long-term girlfriend.

“hey Zed, how are you? I haven’t met you for a while, am here to pick Jack for a CU dinner and later an over-night prayer meeting, we've visitors from different campuses, it’s actually a surprise for Jack he wasn’t aware I was to pick him, hope you won’t mind joining us?”

"Yeeeeeeees, I would love to join you guys" i said without hesitation. Am so happy but they can’t understand why. The secret lies with my hungry stomach and that 'dinner'. Indeed God answers prayers.

Thanks for reading!


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