Sunday 5 July 2020

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Why Single Mothers?

Parenting is a hard work, especially when you have to do it alone. Single moms are a fast-growing hunk of the population as societal norms, family values and structures rapidly shifting. The world is a different place than it was years back; the stigma of being a single mother is reducing [Great News!]. 
The society would have been more efficient and well organized if women's rights had taken effect earlier. Here is a statistic to get your head around, of the 130 million babies born every year in the world, at least 48% have no information about their father included on their birth information. More kids are now growing up with only one parent, mostly the mother.
I am going to step down from my ambo now and tell both sides of the story. Single moms are working hard to raise their kids and keep the house going on their own hustle. These women just realize that the only thing that ‘he’ intended or contributed is the ejaculation and fertilization process; however, it seems that the number of women who would rather have any man than fall asleep alone is also on the rise. 
I am not sorry to speak ill of my own sex, because many male species have failed us. Some men bounce from one honeypot to another, woman to woman, leaving a trail of unintended pregnancies and unfortunately more kids that they do not intend to raise.
Historically, women become single mothers for reasons such as widowed, divorced, unplanned pregnancy, unwilling father, break-up, abandonment, adoption and the latest is by choice. Some women choose to become pregnant and parent the kid on their own; this is "Single Mother by Choice". 
Many turn to single motherhood by choice after not finding the right partner to raise children with or it often comes out of a desire to have biological children before it is too late to do so. In addition, economic empowerment has given women more bargaining power within the society; thus reducing the need to live with an income-earning partner.
Commonly, another cause is a break-up, which occurs when the relationship between both partners has gone cold due to infidelity, misunderstanding, or other reasons. A legal consequence that follows such emotional break down is a divorce, though not all break ups lead to divorce. When separation takes place in a relationship and one party leaves without going through legal process of divorce, mostly the woman bears the burden of raising the kid(s).
A sophisticated statistical analysis suggests that poverty does not prevent men from supporting their kids. I am reaching out to all mothers, please teach your sons to take care of their seeds and to respect women. In addition, please teach your daughters to respect themselves enough to know that it is fine to sleep alone.


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