Saturday 18 November 2023

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WHEN GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING, Children and women in Gaza will be wiped out by Israel

By RuzekiShadow News  
November 18, 2023 

I Rutto Zedekia, alias Ruzeki (the co-founder of Shadow News) do have a message for my fellow citizens of Kenya, Africa and the world. 

But first, let me highlight some facts about the Israel-Palestine conflict: 

The 2023 Israel-Gaza war, an ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip, is the fifth war in the Gaza-Israel conflict and a part of the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Since the inevitable Oct. 7 retaliation by the Hamas fighters, around 2,000 casualties have been reported on the Israeli side and, majority of them being soldiers. It is estimated that 240 Israelis are still held hostage in Gaza by Hamas group. 

In Gaza, at least 13,000 Palestinians have been massacred by the Israeli armed forces, who have launched relentless airstrikes as well as a ground offensive. Among those killed in Gaza are nearly 6,000 children and 5,000 women. Nearly a million civilians have been displaced. 

Unapologetically, I have termed the actions of Hamas on Oct. 7 as an inevitable retaliation. Israel knew such a day would eventually come; after years of Gaza blockade, settlement expansion, Israeli settlers assaulting Palestinians, normalized raids on holy sites, among other injustices. 

The West will try to tell you that the Israel-Gaza war started after armed attack by the Hamas on 7 October 2023. But, that's not true. The current humanitarian crisis or rather the genocide we're witnessing in Gaza is a result of the 1948 'deliberate colonial' decision to establish the state of Israel, and deny Palestine the right to statehood. 

The question of Palestine was first brought before the UN General Assembly in 1947. By resolution 181 (II), the Assembly decided to partition Palestine into two states, one Arab and one Jewish, with Jerusalem placed under a special international regime. This TWO-STATE resolution has never been implemented. 

That's a short history about the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Now, here's my message to the world. 


My fellow citizens of the world,


We can no longer afford to be silent &allow Israel to continue this Gaza genocide‌.


IF you support Palestine, from the river to the sea, from the mountain to the valley, from coast to coast, from Alaska to Sahara, from Amazon to the Savannah, from Artic to the Antarctica, from continent to continent, join me on X (formerly Twitter), consider contributing here or support other Palestine humanitarian causes. 


Edmund Burke, famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for the good men &women to do nothing.” 


In the Old Testament book of Proverbs 24, it says if you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength will be limited. It urges us to rescue those being taken off to death, and save those stumbling toward slaughter. It concludes by saying do not say we didn’t know about it (Gaza genocide or any form of injustice).


Wanasema, "there's a time to speak &time to be silent".


Well, I tell you, the time to speak is NOW!


For 75 years we've listened silently to the cries of the oppressed Palestinians but we can no longer be silent &just wish that it will all go away.


Whenever the cries in Gaza stop it will mean that all children/women have died.


The death toll in Gaza just in one month should alarm us. It should alarm us when the struggle to get a ceasefire is blocked by the Permanent members in the UN Security Council.

It should alarm us when the United States of America send billions worth of military aid to Israel. It should alarm us when the United Kingdom's House of Commons votes to encourage Israeli war crimes.


It should alarm us when some countries in the Middle East ignores the sufferings of civilians in Gaza. We can no longer afford to be silent and allow injustice to prevail.


For many decades, Palestinians have been ethnically profiled, bullied, hanged, discriminated against, raped, beaten, brutalized, denied food/water/fuel and livelihoods & self-determination...but the time is now to speak out against these injustices.


I call upon those in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and elsewhere, we can no longer cower in fear &hide. We are stronger together. Children/women in Gaza are depending on us, so please let's not fail them.


If you're a muslim, christian, jewish, hindu, etc, do not remain silent at this time. Let the liberation of Palestine arise from all corners of the world."


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