Monday 18 March 2024

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Opinion: Nearly 1000 Road Deaths in 2024 already! This Carnage Must Stop.

By RuzekiShadoww News 

March 18, 2024

My thoughts and prayers go out to families of the victims of the recent road accidents. 

I single out road accidents, it should be declared a major public health concern for Kenya, in 2024. 

Literally, everybody is vulnerable, pedestrians or passengers. 

Road accidents have caused unimaginable pain to many families, leaving thousands of kids orphaned and families deprived of their breadwinners. Many others left with lifelong injuries, forcing them to spend resources in and out of hospitals. 

Additionally, Kenya is losing thousands of taxpayers. 

Last year (2023), NTSA recorded at least 4, 200 fatalities from road accidents, this year already, we're at nearly 1, 000 fatalities; i.e, in just three months alone. March being the worst month so far. 

Sadly, if nothing is done now to stop the carnage, this numbers can easily hit more than 5, 000 by the end of the year. 

I believe majority of these road accidents are preventable. Poor road safety culture and failure to strictly enforce traffic rules are to blame for the high accidents causality rates. 

I urge all the road users to be careful, responsible, and stop speeding... 

Yes! I mean, STOP SPEEDING if you're driving, cycling or running like the popular TikToker Brian Chira (I advise against running in a busy traffic).


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