Wednesday 13 March 2024

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Opinion: A message to President Vladimir Putin of Russia concerning Wednesday's nuclear threats

By RuzekiShadow News 

March 13, 2024 

President Vladimir Putin, as much as you mean well for the Freedom of Russia, I hate to say this, but I must say it anyway: 

"Your reckless nuclear rhetoric is dangerous to the existence of the whole world.


Think about it, what happens when Russia nuke the US/NATO?


I'm afraid the US/NATO will nuke Russia back, and the nuke cycle continues until the whole planet is full of mushroom clouds.


These nukes will release enormous amounts of energy in the form of blast, heat and radiation. Nearly seven billion people in Africa, Europe, Asia and America will be killed; these include the people who view you as their hero.


A few million (privileged; politicians & wealthy individuals and their immediate families) will be safe in their bankers...but the majority of us, with nowhere to hide, will be wiped off the face of the earth.


Let's try to negot. for a peace deal in #UkraineRussiaWar as well as in Gaza." 

The risk of nuclear weapons use is the highest it has been in decades. Nuclear threats and other reckless behaviour from nuclear-armed states are elevating the risk that conflict escalates into a global catastrophe.  

But it does not have to be this way. Together, we can take meaningful action to rid the world of these threats of nuclear weapons. 

How can we do that?

The current nuclear threats by Russia and the US must never become “normal”. Every voice raised against nuclear weapons and nuclear threats reduces the risk, and can really help prevent their use. 

So, I urge my readers to use your voice on social media, in public rallies, in phone calls or emails to your elected representatives, any other available means.  

The important thing is to speak out against these threats before it is too late. 

It’s time to stop the madness! 

You don’t need to be an expert to speak out against nuclear weapons and call out how dangerous and unacceptable nuclear weapons are. But information is power, and having the facts can help you find new ways to take action in ways that are meaningful to you. 


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