Friday 6 September 2024

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Fire Tragedy: 18 Pupils Dead, 14 Injured at Hillside Endarasha Academy, Kieni, Nyeri County, Kenya. But why?

By RuzekiShadoww News 

Sept 6, 2024 


Teachers are entrusted with the safety and well-being of our children while they are in school. 

Every school should be adequately prepared for emergencies.

Each dormitory must have at least two doors and an emergency exit. Unfortunately, in some schools, these exits are often locked, and shockingly, even the matron might not know where the keys are. How does it make sense to lock emergency exits from the outside and then take the keys away?

Do those fire extinguishers even work, or are they just there for show? Is there anyone in these schools who even knows how to use them?

Some dormitory windows are fitted with grills more secure than those in Kamiti Maximum Prison!  

I even heard of a school where they lock the dormitory doors from the outside while the students are asleep—this is absolute insanity!😡

Just imagine the chaos in the event of a fire—150 children desperately trying to escape through a single door. It’s terrifying to think about—middle of the night, lights out, temperatures soaring above 90°C, mattresses ablaze, smoke filling the room, children screaming, coughing, gasping for air... this is heart-wrenching😭

As a nation, we have failed the 18 children who lost their lives today.

Today it was Hillside Endarasha Academy. Tomorrow it could be the school next to you, unless the community, government, and schools urgently collaborate to address safety in our learning institutions. 

For clarity, these tragedies are preventable. 

Many of our schools are not safe, lacking proper facilities and disaster preparedness. You send your child to school, and when you meet the principal, they proudly show you the immaculate administration block. You snap pictures for your status updates, completely forgetting to inspect the dormitory’s condition before leaving your kid there.

Dormitories should be the safest place in a school.

My deepest condolences to the families of the 18 children who lost their lives, as well as those who were injured or left emotionally scarred. I feel your pain.

Imagine waking up to #BreakingNews that your child, or someone you know, was burned beyond recognition in their dormitory. It doesn't have to be this way. We MUST act to protect our school children!

Thoughts and prayers are not enough. The Ministry of Education, Health, and Interior must immediately launch a nationwide inspection of all school dormitories, hostels, and facilities that house our pupils and students. 



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