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Billion Ways to Die: A man Dies in India After Friend Pumps Hot Air Into His Anus For Fun

By RuzekiShadoww News 

March 29, 2024  

According to the authorities, 24-year-old Yogish died after his friend Murali (25) pumped hot air into his rectum as part of a prank. 

There's a thousand ways to die, but in India, there is a billion ways to die.

An Indian man died of colon burst after his friend put the nozzle of an electric blow-dryer for vehicles into his rectum and inflated it just for fun. Very unusual and wiard incident.

According to the police, 24-year-old Yogish died after his friend Murali (25) pumped really hot air into his rectum playfully. 

This unusual incident took place on March 25 in Bengaluru, India when Yogish visited the CNS bike Service Centre where his friend Murali worked. 

Local news outlets reported that Murali was employed at the service centre, where his friend Yogesh went to get his two-wheeler washed and perhaps get some hot air blows for his anus. 

According to the police statements, after the motorbike wash was done, both friends commenced playing with a powerful electric blow-dryer used to dry vehicles. 

The two friends started to have some fun. Murali first used the blow-dryer on Yogesh’s face, then his back, and finally filled his rectum with hot air. We can't tell how hot the air was, but we'll update you once we get a correct figure. 

As the warm-hot filtered air entered Yogish’s anus, his abdomen expanded like a balloon and the guy collapsed. 

As Yogish collapsed, Murali rushed him to the hospital, on arrival doctors said due to the high pressure of the blow-dyer, there was massive damage to Yogish’s intestines. Therefore, Yogish needed an emergency operation. 

However, Yogish failed to respond to the treatment and died at a local hospital on Wednesday morning. It is unclear if his friend will be charged for murder. 

May Yogish rest in a warm and a peaceful place.


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