Tuesday 2 April 2024

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Middle East Escalation: Israel strikes Iran consulate in Damascus; as well as attacking foreign aid workers in Gaza

By RuzekiShadoww News 

April 2, 2024 

Iran has vowed to respond in kind after an Israeli attack on its consulate in Damascus, which killed 11 including two senior IRGC commanders. 

Here's what we know

Attack on Iran's consulate in Damascus: 

Iran has promised to retaliate after a strike it blamed on Israel killed two of its senior commanders and five others at its consulate in Syria. 

In a letter to the UN, Iranian Foreign Ministry warned that Tehran “preserves the right to take reciprocal measures and will decide the type of response and punishment against the aggressor.” 

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that the attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus will not go unanswered. Iran's Supreme Leader has ordered the Iranian armed forces to prepare a response. 

Israel has long targeted Iran and its proxies in Syria. Tuesday's attack in Damascus is a significant escalation due to both the location and the target. 

The Iranian consulate building, which includes the ambassador’s residence and is located next to the Iranian Embassy. It is considered a sovereign Iranian territory. 

Killing of foreign aid workers: 

An Israeli airstrike killed at least seven World Central Kitchen aid workers while delivering food to civilians in Gaza. Those killed nationals from Australia, Poland, the United Kingdom, a dual US-Canada national and a Palestinian. 

International organizations and many countries have condemned the killing of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza, on Tuesday. 

Attack on press freedom: 

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to shut down Al Jazeera following the passage of a law allowing the temporary closure of foreign networks deemed a threat to national security. 


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